Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mailing Grandpa Knowlton a letter

There are lots of new posts today with cool pictures of the girls. Keep reading till you see them all!

Sammi wanted to send Grandpa Knowlton a letter. She then insisted on taking her duck for a walk to the mailbox. The sweetest part is that Grandpa Knowlton gave her the duck for Christmas 2007.


Ann said...

Yes! It's good to see that the quirky features of the Passey Clan are being passed down through the genes! She is too cute!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

aww, that is so cute and the duck is a great touch! What a special letter to Grandpa it will be!

Jenni said...

Just a quick hello to say how excited we are to meet you guys! turns out there will be 4 other LDS families in Brent's class!EXCITING!! hope your christmas was fabulous! hugs from KY!